Sellsword Companies

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Across the known world, from the gold mines of Lannisport to the fighting pits of Volantis, there will always be men willing to sell their swords for the highest bidder: bastards, second-born sons, slaves and tribes. In AWOIAF: you can recruit these various sellsword companies and parties that roam the map—or kill them to remove opposition.

These parties do not respawn after they're wiped out or bought up. Once they're gone they're off the map.

You will need to pay a hefty sum of stags before these sellswords serve under your banner and you must have room for them; often requiring a charismatic or renowned individual to accommodate entire armies! if you can, however, slave eunuchs and free-rider can win wars...

Be warned: Having a negative relationship with these companies may force you into a one-sided battle against a superior army!

Sellsword Companies

The Holy Hundred

With a requirement of being in the religion Faith of the Seven with 90 relation with them and a cost of 100,000 stags you can recruit the Holy Hundred from Ser Bonifer Hasty in the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing.

This party consists of 100 heavily armored sword and shield cavalry units, However the horse they use is a standard saddle horse.

100 Man-at-Arms, and their Leader Ser Bonifer Hasty.

Golden Company

One of the oldest and most well-renowned sellsword companies, the Golden Company are well equipped, well-trained and dangerous force for your enemies!

Golden Company Troop Tree

They are a force of three hundred and seventy men: 106 Golden Company Footmen, 107 Spearmen, 74 Archers and 84 Mounted freeriders. They are lead by Harry Strickland.

The Golden Company can be found around Qohor and cost 150,000 to hire. The Golden Company cannot be found on the AsoiaF (book) version of the game, due to their, current employment.

Endless Golden Company Troops

Golden Company units can be recruited without end as well from this location Golden Company Camp. However you need between at least 500-750 (or more) renown to recruit from them. There is a delay in between recruiting probably 7 in-game days.

It costs 130,000 stags to get 112 units, you get a mixture of different troops, see below for the amounts and types

Golden Company Troops

The Windblown

The Windblown are a sellsword company of three hundred men—110 mounted freeriders, 84 Archers and 105 sellswords. They are led by their captain 'The Tattered Prince' and his two lieutenants, Caggo and Denzo D'han.

The Windblown can be found around Lorath, and cost 75,000 to hire.

Second Sons

The Second Sons are one of the oldest sellsword companies and the largest within AWOIAF. Led by Mero and his two lieutenants, Ben Plum and Kasporio, they lead 500 veterans mounted freedriders.

These elite riders can be found near Volantis and costs 120,000 to recruit.

Storm Crows

The Stormcrows are a sizeable mounted force, comprised entirely of 500 Freeriders Their leader is Prendahl na Ghezn, and co-captain Sallor the Bald.

They can be recruited around Myr and cost 100,000 to recruit.

Iron Legion

Iron Legionniares Non-recruitable party

The Iron legions can be hired in multiple locations. The Iron Legionnaires are expert spearmen and it is said that their parent legion was the inspiration for the Unsullied.

Iron Legionniares are employed by Myr at the beginning of the game and cannot be hired by the player. The Iron Legionniares are a AI controlled mercenary group.

The Iron Legionniares is led by Hizlir na Shashan and are comprised of 251 Iron Legionniares and 95 Vet Iron Legionniares.

However these units can also be recruited from different locations! There are multiple locations to recruit them at below you can find these locations.

Iron Legionaries can be hired for 120,000 stags at the Iron Legion Camp located between Norvos and Qohor, the bit of land that protrudes into the sea, which is referred to as The Axe.

140 Iron Legionnaires, 55 Veteran Iron Legionnaires, 1 Iron Legionnaire Captain, and their Leader Brachor Rekken.

Here is a link for the location of the The Iron Legion Camp.

Iron Legionnaires can also be recruited by talking to their leader Eizniq na Shadhe for 135,000 stags, found in the tavern at Myr.

56 Iron Legionnaires, 30 Veteran Iron Legionnaires, and their Leader Eizniq na Shadhe.

Iron Legionnaires can also be recruited by talking to their leader Dregneiw Emde for 40,000 stags, found in the tavern at Volantis.

30 Iron Legionnaires, 11 Veteran Iron Legionnaires, and their Leader Dregneiw Emde.


The unsullied is a unique company that's available for hire but do not roam the map like the others or aligned to any faction. They are an elite spearmen which can be upgraded to Veteran Unsullied.

The Good Master, a slave master, can be found in the Inn of Qohor and sells a half-century (50 Unsullied) for 75,000 stags. However, a week of in-game time must pass before he can sell you more.

The Ragged Standard

The Ragged Standard are employed by Tyrosh at the beginning of the game and cannot be hired by the player. The Ragged Standard are a AI controlled mercenary group.

The Ragged Standard is led by Austin Oak and are comprised of 300 Ragged Standard Swordsman, 120 Ragged Standard Veteran Swordsman, 40 Ragged Standard Elite Guard, and 1 Ragged Standard Captain.

However these units can also be recruited from a different location!

Ragged Standard Troop Tree

Ragged Standard can be recruited by talking to their leader Luke Jonsson for 115,000 stags, and can be found in this location Inn of the Kneeling Man.

60 Ragged Standard Swordsman, 30 Vet Ragged Standard Swordsman, 15 Ragged Standard Great Swordsman, and their Leader Luke Jonsson.

Gallant Men

The Gallant Men are employed by Lorath at the beginning of the game and cannot be hired by the player. The Gallant Men are a AI controlled mercenary group.

The Gallant Men is led by Ser Gilbar Piler and are comprised of 31 Mercenary Elite Heavy Cavalry, 112 Mercenary Cavalry, 112 Mercenary Bilmen, and 111 Mercenary Bowmen.

However these units can also be recruited from a different location!

Gallant Men can be recruited by talking to their leader Brock Alan for 69,000 stags, and can be found in this location Old Stone Bridge Inn.

30 Veteran Heavy Cavalry, 13 Heavy Cavalry, and their Leader Brock Alan.

This party consists of heavily armored sword and shield cavalry units, However the horse they use is a standard saddle horse.

Hill Tribe Mercenaries

You can find tribals from Moon Mountain in the Vale, and Norrwy in the North, fun fact.


The Moonbrothers are a tribe of the Vale, selling the bravery, axes and bows of their: 207 Moonbrothers, 1 Tribe Horman and the leader, Ulf. They may can often be found raiding villages.
They are found around the mountains of the Vale, often roaming towards Moat Cailin and cost 50,000 to hire.

Wild Hares

The First Flints are a minor Northern tribe found in the North. These bold and fierce warriors are selling their axes. Comprised of: 1 Northern Clansman Chief, 20 Northern Clansman and 5 Northern Clansman Champions.

The Wild Hares can be found patrolling around Flints Finger.

First Flints

The First Flints are a minor Northern tribe found in the North. These bold and fierce warriors are selling their axes. Comprised of: 1 Northern Clansman Chief, 22 Northern Clansman and 6 Northern Clansman Champions.

The First Flints can be found in the North.

The Liddles

The First Flints are a minor Northern tribe found in the North. These bold and fierce warriors are selling their axes. Comprised of: 1 Northern Clansman Chief, 19 Northern Clansman and 6 Northern Clansman Champions.

The Liddles can be found in the North.

The Burleys

The Burleys are a minor Northern tribe found in the North. These bold and fierce warriors are selling their axes. Comprised of: 1 Northern Clansman Chief, 22 Northern Clansman and 6 Northern Clansman Champions.

The Burleys can be found in the North.

The Wulls

The Wull are a minor Northern tribe found in the North. These bold and fierce warriors are selling their axes. Comprised of: 1 Northern Clansman Chief, 51 Northern Clansman and 5 Northern Clansman Champions.

The Wulls can be found in the North, usually close to the wall.

The Knots

The Knots are a minor Northern tribe found in the North. These bold and fierce warriors are selling their axes. Comprised of: 1 Northern Clansman Chief, 16 Northern Clansman and 2 Northern Clansman Champions.

The Knots can be found in the North.