Unique Weapons

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There are various unique weapons in AWoIaF. Some of these are merely weapons with a bit more flair, some burn with strange magics, and some are made of Valyrian Steel.

Non Valyrian Steel Weapons

There are many weapons to be found in the Seven Kingdoms and beyond, often strange and wondrous with an edge to match. While not forged of Valyrian steel, these weapons are surely fearsome tools of war in the hands of any wielder.



Redwyne is a custom made sword used by Paxter Redwyne. Contrary to popular belief this weapon is not a Valyrian steel blade and as such will not harm white walkers.

It is owned by Paxter Redwyne and can be obtained by either executing him or sending him to the wall.

Keep in mind that if you execute a lord all lords from across the 7 kingdoms will hate you, and if you send him to the wall all lords in his faction will hate you.



Lightbringer is a weapon that is said to be forged by an ancient hero in an attempt to use it to fight off the darkness and make sure that light prevailed.

It is only fitting that the man to own this weapon currently in none other than Stannis Baratheon, a worshiper of the lord of light.

Contrary to popular belief this weapon is not Valyrian steel and as such cannot harm white walkers. It is owned by Stannis Baratheon and can be obtained by either executing him or sending him to the wall.

Keep in mind that if you execute a lord all lords from across the 7 kingdoms will hate you, and if you send him to the wall all lords in his faction will hate you.



Dawn is the ancestral greatsword of House Dayne, said to forged from a falling star. Any current holder of the weapon is given the honorary title Sword of the Morning, and unlike other unique weapons this blade is not passed down through houses, but instead given to a knight deemed worthy of it. Contrary to popular belief this weapon is not Valyrian steel and as such cannot harm white walkers but is able to harm wights due to its unique properties.

Dawn can be obtained via a chest in Starfall that only the owner of Starfall can open.

Flaming Sword Wielded
Flaming Longsword

Flaming Longsword

A longsword owned by Thoros of Myr has flame effects. The sword is said to be blessed by the Lord of Light himself, and as such is very valuable. Its item name only displays it as generic Longsword however. Because this sword has flame effects it can be used in order to kill wights and white walkers, making it a very valuable sword alongside Valyrian steel sword. It can be obtained by recruiting Thoros of Myr into your party and taking the Longsword out of his inventory.

Practice Sword Wielded
Practice Sword

Practice Sword

A practice sword owned by Syrio Forel that does blunt damage.

Silence Wielded


The dagger Silence is obtained through successfully killing all of the Lannister troops during the opening sequence to the game. The dagger Silence can kill wights but not White Walkers.

Ice Weapons

The whitewalkers carry Ice Cleaver and Ice Sword

Valyrian Steel

Valyrian steel is an ancient material that is no longer able to be forged. The material originated in the Valyrian Freehold, an ancient kingdom that utilized dragons in warfare. No one knows exactly how Valyrian steel is forged, however there is speculation that it was made by the heat of dragonfire, which would not be too much of a surprise considering how much the Valyrians treasured their dragons. Either way, the secrets to making Valyrian steel was lost in the Doom of Valyria, and has never been found again. Valyrian steel blades are far superior than any other sword one can find, even the best castle forged steel. It is stronger, lighter, and much sharper than any other material that has been discovered. Not only this, but Valyrian steel can also be used to kill white walkers, and it is impossible to break, making them much sought after weapons. Because no one knows how to forge Valyrian steel, the material is extremely treasured among those that have it, and also extremely expensive. Dying houses often will sell everything but their Valyrian steel swords, showing exactly how rare they are. While Valyrian Steel cannot be made, there are people who are able to reforge it, and inside of the walls of Qohor there is a smith that can reforge Valyrian steel into new weapons, though he are rumored to charge a pretty penny for the service, and won't serve just anyone.

Valyrian weapons are unique weapons which do not break, swing faster, and can damage and kill the Whitewalkers and their minions, but are difficult to acquire.

Ice Wielded


Ice is the ancestral greatsword of House Stark. It is described as being a massive blade that is taller than a full grown man, and as wide as someones hand. Because of the fact that the sword is so massive it has enough steel in it to be able to make two entirely new longswords. The heirloom sword has been in the Starks possession for 4 centuries. The sword has been used in both warfare and celebrations, though it is often-most used for executions. The sword was forged in ancient Valyria before the doom, and has been passed throughout the Stark family for several generations.

As Ice has no owner you will need to obtain it in a nontraditional manner. To obtain Ice you have to conquer Winterfell then look for the Weirwood tree, there will be a chest underneath the tree with Ice.

Item ID: 1036

Lamentation Wielded


The Valyrian Steel sword Lamentation which was lost during the storming of the dragon pit during 130 AC.

It can be obtained via random chance (5% at baseline) when fishing.

The foraging skill influences how effectively you can fish while a sea. The higher your foraging skill the more likely you are to have positive fishing events such as obtaining Lamentation.

From the Smith in Qohor

A Valyrian Steel sword can be acquired from the weapons merchant in Qohor. You will need a renown value of over 600 or else the merchant will not accept you and tell you that you are not well known enough. You gain knowledge of the merchant in Qohor selling weapons via rumors from tavern keepers.

The merchant can make either a two handed greatsword or a two different one handed swords. They cost 90,000 or 120,000 each respectively. Note that if you choose the two one handed swords that one sword will have better stats than the other, this is presumably because the other sword had less Valyrian steel to work with.

Enhancing the Valyrian sword will result in a masterwork version which is visually different from the normal grade.

As this is a Valyrian steel weapon it can be used to fight white walkers and it is also impossible to break.

After finishing the main questline you get Valyrian Steel. If you bring this item to the same smith you can make a longsword for 50 000 stags (no renown needed).

Main Questline Valyrian Steel Longsword Wielded
Valyrian Longsword Main Questline

Main Questline Valyrian Steel Longsword

This is the sword you get after completing the whole main questline

Valyrian Steel Greatsword Wielded
Valyrian Greatsword

Valyrian Steel Greatsword

You can choose to buy this from the smith in Qohor

Valyrian Steel Longsword Wielded
Valyrian Longsword 1

Valyrian Steel Longsword

You can choose to buy this from the smith in Qohor

Valyrian Steel Sword Wielded
Valyrian Longsword 2

Valyrian Steel Longsword 2

If you chose to buy the longsword this from the smith in Qohor then you can buy this one afterwards

From The War for Dawn Quest

A flaming, Valyrian steel great sword called R’hllors glory is the reward for completing the quest The War for Dawn by defeating all the White Walkers and their armies. You can only get this quest by having R'hllor as your religion (You can change at a Temple of the Lord of Light if you aren't already of this religion).

R'hollors Glory

R'hllors Glory

The sword starts off being a cracked modifier but can be repaired and even be improved to the masterwork stat.

Owned Valyrian Steel Weapons

A Number of lords in the game own a Valyrian Steel weapon. You can take it from them by either executing them or sending them to the wall, however it should be noted that if you execute a lord that every lord in the realm will be against you, and if you send a lord to the wall then every lord in that specific faction will be against you. Sending a lord to the wall or executing them gains you all of the items in their inventory, though it is usually recommended to just send them to the wall after you have taken all of the useful lords from a realm. Lastly, you can only send lords to the wall or execute them if you are king or queen, meaning that you will need to own kings landing.

Longclaw Wielded


Longclaw is the ancestral sword of House Mormont and has been for the last 5 centuries. Lord commander Jeor Mormont eventually retired from his position as head of the family and as a lord. Once he had done so he headed to the wall to take the black, and eventually became the rank of Lord commander of the Nights Watch. The sword was supposed to be passed onto Jorah Mormont after Jeor Mormont took the black, but after Jorah Mormont went into exile for selling poachers into slavery, the sword was given back to Jeor Mormont. Years after this event the sword was given to Jon Snow, a bastard of the Great House Stark. He had the pommel of the sword reshaped into a direwolf, the sigil of House Stark.

Long Claw is owned by Jon Snow, a member of the Nights Watch. Unlike most others who own Valyrian weaponry, Jon snow is not a lord and the weapon must be acquired in different ways than normal. To get Longclaw, Jon must first be captured and be a prisoner. Upon rescuing him (ex: siege), you can ask him to join you, alternatively you can take him prisoner and ask him to join you as well. Once he is a companion, you can take his weapon and any other item in his inventory.

Blackfyre Wielded


Blackfyre was the most famous sword of House Targaryen and perhaps the most famous Valyrian steel sword to date. The sword was once wielded by Aegon the Conqueror, the man who conquered all of Westeros. (with the exception of Dorne.) The swords blade is a smokey black color and it has been the premise for an entire rebellion. King Aegon IV Targaryen passed the sword down to a warrior named Daemon Waters, his bastard son. He chose to give this man the sword over his own legitimate son. Daemon Waters eventually renamed his last name to Blackfyre and created House Blackfyre. The sword was viewed as a royal weapon that was passed down from kings, which eventually led to the first Blackfyre Rebellion, a bloody conflict that led to the deaths of many dragons and Targaryen family members. Eventually after the rebellion was over a man by the name of Bittersteel took the weapon to Essos where he created the golden company with the intentions of sailing back to Westeros one day and reclaiming the throne, rumor has it that the weapon is still passed down through their line.

Blackfyre is with Aegon, he appears in the book version of the game and comes into the game after the player has completed quests from Varys.

Dark Sister Wielded
Dark Sister

Dark Sister

Dark Sister is a sword owned by House Targaryen that was designed for a woman's hand, as evidenced by the slender grip. The weapon was put to very effective use by Visenya Targaryen, one of Aegon Targaryens sister wives. She assisted in his conquest of Westeros atop her dragon with this sword in hand, and it was even used to save Aegon during an assassination attempt in which the guards were unable to react in time. Aegon insisted that his guards were adequate enough to protect him, but when Visenya drew dark sister and cut Aegon's cheek before the guards could react he let her train his Kingsguard. Over time the sword was passed down through the line but eventually was lost during the Blackfyre Rebellion.

Dark sister is with Daenerys Targaryen, she appears in the tv-series version of the game and comes into the game after the player has completed all quests from Varys.

Heartsbane Wielded
Heartsbane (normal stats)


Heartsbane is the ancestral sword of House Tarly. The sword has been in the possession of the house for 5 centuries, and is treasured as such. The hilt is mentioned to be wrought in the shape of a bow and arrow, and the cross guard forms the limbs of a bow. Both of these features reflect House Tarly's sigil, The Huntsman. Like other swords of its type this sword was made in the Valyrian freehold and is kept close by on a mantle inside of Horn Hill, House Tarly's castle.

Randyll Tarly is the owner of Heartsbane.

Item ID: 1039

Crescent Shadow

Crescent Shadow

Khal Pono has a Valyrian steel arakh named Crescent Shadow. Crescent Shadow has been forged out of Valyrian steel from the blade of an adversary of a great Khal long ago and has been wielded by a number of Khals overtime.

Dark Vengeance Wielded
Dark Vengeance

Dark Vengeance

Brog Matter wields the Valyrian steel blade Dark Vengeance, upon which Brog swore a blood oath to avenge the death of Rhaegar and the fall of the Targaryen household. Brog obtained the Valyrian steel sword through slaying its previous owner, Lord Rogare of Lys. This fearsome weapon can only be acquired through choosing to execute Brog Matter after he is defeated in the quest "Bringing a Warlord to Justice". However, killing him eliminates the possibility to have either him, or his brother Reed as companions/lords, being two of the best and most powerful in the game.

Celtigar Axe

Celtigar Axe

Adrien Celtigar of House Celtigar of Claw Isle wields a Valyrian steel axe. House Celtigar is an ancient and proud house, with the blood of old Valyria in its veins.



The High Bearded Priest Calypso Eranelar wields the Valyrian steel glaive Retribution. The player can obtain Retribution by executing Calypso Eranelar. The player can do this by razing the Temple of the Bearded Priests and then defeating the army led by Calypso Eranelar, and then selecting the option to execute Calypso Eranelar.

Red Rain Wielded
Red Rain

Red Rain

Lord Dunstan Drumm of House Drumm wields the Valyrian steel sword Red Rain.

The sword came into the possession of House Drumm when Hilmar Drumm took the blade from an armored knight with nothing but his wits and a wooden cudgel. From then on he was called "Hilmar the Cunning".

The knight Hilmar took Red Rain from is theorized to be from House Reyne

Sea Serpent

Sea Serpent

Lord Monford Velaryon of House Velaryon possesses the Valyrian sword Sea Serpent.

Lady Forlorn

Lady Forlorn

Ser Lyn Corbray of House Corbray wields the Valyrian sword Lady Forlorn.



Leyton Hightower of House Hightower wields the Valyrian sword Vigilance.

Orphan Maker Wielded
Orphan Maker


Titus Peake of House Peake wields the Valyrian sword Orphan-Maker.

Truth Wielded


The claimant Lysyra Rogare wields the Valyrian sword Truth. You can get it after promising her to help her regain her throne. She only spawns in the book version of the game, and she only spawns after Aegon has invaded. You need to complete all quests given by Varys for this to happen. On how to do this, look (here)

Remember that you can only get her into your party and take the sword if you don't own any castles/lands.

Unobtainable Valyrian Steel Weapons

The following weapons are not possible to get in the game, the only way to get them is by cheating.

Reapers Vengeance (Heavy stat)

Reapers Vengeance

The companion Reed Matter has in his possession a Valyrian steel sword named Reapers Vengeance. After Rhaegar died, Brog and Reed went on many a grand adventure together. They scoured the land beyond the Wall in an attempt to find a tomb where a legendary blade of a long past Wildling Warlord was rumored to be buried. After much searching, they eventually discovered the tomb and its entrance. Deep in the tomb, Reed found a beautiful and deadly Valyrian blade clutched in the skeleton hands of a long dead Warlord. Reed named the sword Reapers Vengeance. This blade is unattainable using normal, in-game means.

Widows Wail Wielded
Widows Wail

Widows Wail

One of the two swords made from the Valyrian Steel sword Ice in the show/books.

Valyrian Steel Longsword Wielded
Valyrian Longsword Stats

Valyrian Steel Longsword

This might be another texture of the currently exsistant Valyrian Steel Longsword (quest version) since they have the same stats.

Valyrian Blade Wielded
Valyrian Blade

Valyrian Blade

This might be another texture of the currently exsistant Valyrian Steel Longsword (non quest version) since they have the same stats.

See Also