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Volantis is one of the free cities found within Essos and is ruled by Triarch Malaquo Maegyr.
Their sigil is a Tiger and an Elephant.
Their map colour is a Light Brownish-Grey.


Once the most powerful of the Daughters of Valyria, Volantis has slid into second place behind Braavos. Volantis following the fall of Valyria thought itself the natural successor of Valyria and embarked on conquering their neighbours leading Volantis loosing much of the “Old Blood of Valyria” in its failed attempt to conquer its fellow free cities. While Volantis has continued to attempt to take this rightful place the other free cities continuously foil their attempts.

Volantis is rich in industry and is a major destination for trade goods from around the known world, a skilled trader could use the port of Volantis to their financial advantage. Volantis is the final destination for much of the slave trade and slavers pay a premium for slaves to keep up with a steady and insatiable demand for additional slaves. A skilled gladiator can gain fame and fortune fighting in the pits of Volantis and quickly build up enough money to fund their own trading company.

While Volantis has failed previously to seize the other free cities the opportunity may arise for Volantis to try once again, hopefully learning from its prior mistakes. If Volantis pursues this course wealth, titles, and fame would certainly fall upon the shoulders of a successful mercenary captain.


Volantis borders Qohor to the North. The Dothraki to the North East and Myr to the West.


Volantis worships R'hlorr, known as the Lord of Light. Worshipped extensively in Essos.


Triarch Malaquo Maegyr


Triarch Nyessos Vhassar

Triarch Doniphos Paenymion

Junior Triach Alios Qhaedar

Junior Triarch Parquello

and Junior Triarch Belicho Staegone



Volantis, Volon Therys, Valysar and Selhorys


Gongaeron, Sar Mell and Varillos


Jaeryros, Rhoyne, Voleana, Laertigar and Raenion

Troop Tree

Volantine Troop Tree

The Troop tree of Volantis follows two paths: the slave warriors of the Tiger Cloaks and the Freemen of the Free City. The Volantis Freemen, armed with spears, lack shields. Later down the tree, there is horsemen however. It's recommended to focus down the Tiger Cloak path, as Tiger Cloak Archers are some of the best archers within AWOIAF; their warriors are also decent and well equipped with scale armour.


-Some of the best archers in all of the troop trees

-High variety of troop types


-The only real weakness is that the lower tier units have no helmets

Tiger Cloak Blood Guard

Unique, Heritage Based Troops

The player can recruit the following special, elite troop if Volantis is chosen as the starting people:

-Tiger Cloak Blood Guard can be recruited from the NPC named Mehdi Vaelgaeron located in Valysar if starting people is Volantis AND if renown is high enough (at least 750 renown). It costs 10,000 stags and 14 days to get 5 Blood Guards.

-Blood Guard is one of the best elite ranged unit in the game. Can deliver devastating volleys with their warbows.

-Their weakness compared to its counterpart (Riverlands Ranger Guard) is having a bit worse proficiency and lack of a two-handed weapon and worse body armor.

Unique, Location Based Troops

Volantine Elephant Rider

The player can recruit the following special, elite troops if directly governing Volantis:

Volantine Elephant Rider

-Volantine Elephant Riders can be recruited from the NPC Jaeredor Vaelaros located in Volantis if the player Directly governs Volantis.

-Volantine Elephant Riders are an elite heavy cavalry units in the game. Devastating in the charge, however very expensive.

-The Volantine Elephant Rider is the only heavy horse archer unit in the game. With their with heavy elephant combined with a bow that does piercing damage they pack-a-punch.

-Their weakness is low leg armor and slow cavalry

Recruiting From Volantis

Volantine units can be recruited from villages regardless of player status unless they are hostile to The Volantis. Additional ways to recruit Volantis units is to rescue them from enemy lords parties, find them in taverns, or rescue them from enemy garrisons.

Extra Information